Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Viewpoints Industry on the End of Microsoft XP Updates

April 8 will be the end day for any security updates for users with Microsoft XP on their computers or laptops. Viewpoints Industry relays what this means to consumers and offers suggestions about what to do about it.

There are some computer users who take a nonchalant approach to operating systems and the seemingly endless number of security updates they employ. Now is the time to think smarter about them and finally spend the time and money to upgrade from Microsoft Windows XP. We remind readers that there have been four new operating systems from them since XP came out: Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1..

Bank ATMs are mostly run on the XP operating system, accordingly to NCR, the nation’s leading supplier of ATMs. They estimate that 95% of them run XP and only 20-30% will be fixed before the April 8 end date.

Viewpoints Industry TV suggests upgrading old computers or if that is not feasible now, at least upgrade to one of the newer operating systems such as Windows 7, 8 or 8.1. Even Vista is not considered all that secure today. When security holes are found by developers, they release a patch to fix it. There will be no more security patches for XP after April 8.

Hacking attempts and attacks have struck many name-brand corporations as well as small businesses and consumers. Why take chances on letting cyber sneaks into personal or business networks? Upgrade old computers and older operating systems.  

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