Sunday, August 24, 2014

Viewpoints Industry Asks: How Secure is Your Job ... Really?

Viewpoints Industry will look at the subtle signs that your job has lost its relevance and you may be in imminent peril of being let go.  If the number of projects on your plate is dwindling and you find you have to ask to be assigned new work, they may be weaning you off of your job responsibilities.  If your supervisor is avoiding talking with you that may be a significant indication that things are not well between you and your employers; if he or she is avoiding even making eye contact with you, you can probably count your remaining days without the aid of a calendar.  This fear can be compounded if you've recently been disciplined for some infraction.

Viewpoints Industry TV will search for subtle signs that you may be next on the chopping block.

The Viewpoints Industry TV show acknowledges that the fault does not always lie with the employee.  There can be forces at work over which you have no control whatsoever.  If a wave of automation is sweeping in, consider if your job can actually be done by some kind of computer program.  If your company has recently experienced a move to a new location, that can often be accompanied by some "cleaning house" in the personnel department.  If your company has been recently acquired in a merger or purchase, that is not good news, as the new owners will not have any memory of why you were hired in the first place, the heroic deeds you've done for the company since then, or all that you contribute to smooth operations on a day to day basis.  Of course, any time you are asked to draw up a job description of your own position, it's most likely time to pack up your things.

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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Viewpoints Industry Asks If It's Time to Say Goodbye to Militarized Police

Viewpoints Industry observes that for decades, the US military has sold its tactical weaponry to local and state police forces for their use on an everyday basis.  Following the confrontations between police and citizens in Ferguson, Missouri, that policy is being reviewed.  In the ongoing effort to improve community relations, a police department that shows up dressed up and geared to resemble futuristic marines on an assault mission does little to instill confidence and bring about peace on the streets.  There has already been a growing tendency for police personnel to respond a little too fast and much too aggressively to confrontations.  We have watched law enforcement officers with raging adrenalin empty their clips into unarmed citizens with little in the way of accountability after the fact.  Urban tanks, water canons and tear gas do nothing to encourage a sense of calm and order.

Viewpoints Industry points out that aggressively equipped police do not exactly inspire peace in the community.

The Viewpoints Industry TV show notes that the officers in command in Missouri did try to lay down their assault-grade weapons and deal with the people in the streets of Ferguson on a more human, face-to-face level, and for a while, it seemed to work.  After the horror stories filtering out of various totalitarian regimes over the past few decades, and the image ingrained in the public psyche of the fascist military authorities from both fictional and real-life accounts, the response of most people to the community peace officers sporting military-level gear and using commando tactics inspires more fear, panic and resistance than anything else.  Anyone in a public relations role knows that it is a mistake to lead with a hostile image.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Viewpoints Industry and Why Americans Feel Poor

Anyone who follows the news knows the unemployment statistics seem to get better, but the jobs created and the wages that go with them are low. Viewpoints Industry investigates why Americans feel poor.

Working Americans find that their wages are stagnant but their costs keep rising which leaves them feeling poor. Getting ahead both financially and in a career seems nearly impossible. The American Dream has faded away a long time ago.

Those out of work may find that there is no middle ground for a decent paying job. There are low-paying jobs or those on the much higher end of the pay scale. According to the National Employment Law Project, there are now 2.3 million more low-paid workers than at the start of the recession, and 1.2 million less jobs in the mid and high range industries. The median hourly wages have declined across most income levels. The Viewpoints Industry TV show notes that while household expenses keep going up, wages are not moving thus leaving American to feel like they are only working to pay the bills.

There are ways the working American can feel a bit better about their financial situation. Saving for emergencies can be done with as little as $20.00 a month. Sure it takes longer. But it beats not having anything saved at all. Keep looking for a better paying job while working in the low-paying job. This alone can help one feel more empowered.

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Viewpoints Industry Shares How Kids can Balance School and Chores

Children grow up learning that they have to make their beds, put away their toys and belongings and keep their rooms clean. Others are given extra chores to do to earn a bigger allowance or some extra spending cash. These can be easy to manage during the summer. But what happens when school starts?

The school year is often filled with homework, sports, after school activities and friends. To be sure children know that their chores still have to be done, parents can start the fall semester with a family meeting to explain what’s expected when it comes to chores. Viewpoints Industry suggests a friendly meeting with snacks and creative, fun ways to choose who will do each chore.

Create variety with house choirs by rotating them among the kids. Write them all on separate pieces of paper and add a treat such as a free pass from chores. Fold and toss the paper into a bowl, box or hat and each child picks one out. To ease the pressure on children who have a lot of homework (as it seems they all do these days), all the tasks that need to be done can be weekly and not daily.

The start of school is a challenging change for everyone in the family. New schedules are created and altered as the semester runs its course. Viewpoints Industry TV believes that with a little help from everyone, including dad, no one will feel heat to get it all done.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Viewpoints Industry and Internet Speeds for the Country

Broadview Networks created a map of the United States which allegedly shows how fast the Internet is in each state. Viewpoints Industry shares that map and asks how fast is your Internet at home and work?

States in dark green are those with the highest speeds, such as Virginia. States in red are the slowest, such as Alaska. Delaware and Massachusetts tie for 2nd place for being fast. Rhode Island and the District of Columbia round out the top five states that have speedy net service. California came in 20th which is surprising since it is the home of Silicon Valley. Viewpoints Industry points out that it is not just the Internet speed that makes surfing the web easy. Fast downloads, movie viewing and game playing are far more enjoyable if the modem speed is fast, there is enough ram to enjoy those activities. Where you live also factors in to how fast the Internet will be. If you live in the city, it will be faster than living in the country. Look at the map to see how fast your state ranks on Internet speed. Then go online and find a service which can test your modem speed and streaming speed. Zippy web browsing is something everyone wants and not very often gets.

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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Viewpoints Industry: If You're in Debt, You're Not Alone

Viewpoints Industry notes that this country -- along with most of the world -- has just been through the worst recession to hit us since the Dirty Thirties, that is, the Great Depression.  Therefore, it should surprise no one that a large percentage of us are suffering from consumer debt.  But what has taken many by surprise is the vast number of Americans who have been affected:  over one third of us have amassed debts so severe that they are now in collection.  The numbers vary by state, but Nevada has come out the worst with 46% of its citizens in collection.  Simple debts typically don't get rolled over into "collection" until 180 days have passed without a payment.  This is how severe the problem is, system-wide.

Viewpoints Industry has learned that more than one third of Americans are in the red.

The Viewpoints Industry TV show reports some 77 million Americans with debt in collections, who owe an average of $5,200.  This takes into account debt from credit card bills, child support, medical bills, utility bills, parking tickets or membership fees.  While mortgage debt accounts for a large portion of all of this record debt, the rest can not all be blamed on mere capricious spending.  Unemployment has hit communities hard and, no matter how responsible a person intends to be about paying off his or her debts, if there is no job, there is no income with which to do this.  The only upside seems to be a bit more patience on the part of lenders in their collection process because this problem has afflicted so many of their customers.  We're all looking for the silver lining around this dark cloud.

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

How to Buy a New Computer for Less from Viewpoints Industry

Computers do not last as long now as they did before. To find and buy a new one, Viewpoints Industry proffers some suggestions about how to buy a new one for less.

A brand-new computer is much like a brand-new car. Everyone wants the latest, greatest model with all the bells and whistles. But no one wants to spend a lot of money to get it. Thrifty people know how to shop savvy for what they want for less money.

Consider what purpose the equipment is needed. If it is just for browsing the Internet, checking and replying to email, paying bills and other lightweight tasks, consider a computer with less bells and whistles.

Consider a refurbished laptop or desktop. Much like a previously-owned vehicle, it has been examined, cleaned up and problems are corrected. It runs just as well as a new one but costs far less. Conduct an Internet search on refurbished computer from the manufacturer desired.

Consider upgrading. Many desktops can be upgraded for far less than ditching the old and getting a new one. Add more memory to it or increase the hard drive space with an external drive. Ask friends and family who are computer smart for help.

Viewpoints Industry also suggests waiting for sales on the types of equipment wanted. These are when the best deals can be found and when consumers can save money of some spiffy new digital toys. Happy computer and laptop hunting, readers.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Viewpoints Industry – Best Things to Buy in August

August is the month when back to school deals are sweet. It is also the month when summer clothing and bathing suits and the like go on sale. Viewpoints Industry reveals the best things to buy in August and what to avoid.

Check state websites for the tax-free weekend on back to school supplies. Florida’s was last weekend. The tax-free weekend can save families a bundle on school stationary supplies, clothing, uniforms, laptops and more. The state website should have a list of what is tax-free during this time.

Summer essentials and outdoor items are on sale now. This means bathing suits, shorts, lightweight shirts, sandals, beach and pool toys, beach towels and more. Sign up for email alerts from favorite catalog companies and save even more. Stock up for the remainder of the summer and early fall when the weather is still warm.

Avoid big ticket home appliances like washing machines and dryers, holiday items, smart phones and tablets, and travel plans for the holiday season. Labor Day and Black Friday are creeping up quickly and this is usually the better time to get a good deal on large home needs. Viewpoints Industry suggests taking advantage of summer sales both in the store and online. Stash the money saved into a savings or retirement account and feel better knowing that you saved twice.

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Friday, August 1, 2014

Viewpoints Industry Offers Tips for First Time Homebuyers

Buying a home for the first time is one of the biggest financial decisions anyone can make. There are many aspects to it that can boggle the most reasonable mind. Viewpoints Industry shares some tips for first time home buyers to help ease minds.

Young people, typically around age 30, are eager to find and buy their first home. Eagerly, they go online and find homes which seem affordable and are just what the buyer wants. But let’s take a look at what one needs to do first before hitting the Internet for that first dream home.

More than three-quarters of prospective home buyers are pre-qualified for a home loan. Yet many of those are not clear on the terms of the loan. Before getting pre-qualified, spend time hammering out a monthly home budget to see what is affordable without  having to scrape by. Find ways to cut back on spending such as eating more meals at home, taking lunch to work and skipping expensive coffee purchases.

How much of a down payment can be put on the home?  Typically, if less is put down, the private mortgage insurance is higher, interest rates are higher and closing costs are higher. Save as much as possible toward the down payment to reduce these fees.

Can one afford the monthly mortgage payment? How much will that be? Mortgage payments are not the same as rent. If the payment is late, fees incur. If one is more than 30 days late, the credit rating of that person takes a huge hit.

Viewpoints Industry also suggests regularly checking credit reports and scores during the lending process. Go online and find the best free resources for this, and to find the best calculators for determining mortgages and loans.

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